We’ve made it easier for you to order!
We are very pleased to announce the introduction of online sales. Many of our customers have been asking for this for a while, but don’t worry if you still prefer to place your orders via phone or email that service is unchanged.
You can now build your shopping cart on our new website, complete the order and pay. Your items will be shipped automatically. Please remember, the online sales service is for members of the bridal trade only, brides and end users should contact a local stockist to them or ask your retailer to contact Jupon to register:
You can order online if you are one of the following, new uysers should register first:
- A bridal or Lingerie Shop
- You have a Bridal or Lingerie website
- You are a Manufacturer of Bridal or Lingerie
- You are a Dress Maker/ Seamstress in the Trade